Discover our service for discharge teams
We know how important it is to arrange high-quality care for patients leaving hospital quickly and correctly. We currently work with a number of NHS trusts across the country to support a frictionless transition from hospital, and to help your patients live safely, happily and with dignity once they’re back home.

Specialist carers
Reablement, post-operative or palliative care – whatever your patient needs, we’ll match them with a trained carer. We even provide our own in-house training to make sure every carer we source is right for the role.
Vetting and DBS checks
We’re approved by the CQC for the delivery of regulated care. We conduct background checks, DBS checks, follow up references and assess skill-sets to make sure we only source the best carers.
National coverage
We have a huge library of approved carers from all over the country, ready to help. We provide over 40,000 hours of care a month nationwide.
Quick, reliable carer placement
We pride ourselves on putting the right carer in the right place at the right time. We can typically place carers within 48 hours, and we make sure they have the skills and experience required. We get it right first time.
Dedicated Partnership Manager
With hometouch, you’ll have a single point of contact to help with everything – your own dedicated Partnership Manager. Having someone close to your case means a better, faster service.
Our packages start from £1250 / week, dependent on clinical assessment. We’re able to supply high quality care within 48 hours. Speak to our Partnerships team today to find out how hometouch can help you.
Call the Partners team today on
020 3918 9724

Tailor your loved one’s care with Hometouch
Hometouch helps you get the best possible care for your loved one – decide on the kind of care you want, match with a Hometouch carer and manage everything in one place.