Motor Neurone Disease Live-in Care
Live-in care for people with motor neurone disease (MND) can help improve quality of life, the management of distressing symptoms and improve daily functioning. Hometouch are live in care specialists with a wide range of experience in neurological conditions, led by a clinical team.

Motor neurone disease is a life-changing illness with progressive symptoms. The progression of the disease cause sufferers to constantly re-adapt themselves, which can be mentally and physically challenging. The sufferers of motor neurone disease need mental and emotional support to go through such challenges. Home care is best suited as the person stays in the comfort zone of their home and familiar surroundings.
What is Motor Neurone Disease?
MND is a rare disease that targets the brain and nerves and affects approximately 2 in every 100,000 people in the UK. Currently, there are around 5000 people in the UK with MND. It is also known as Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (AML). It is a neurodegenerative disease affecting the motor neurons which carry signals from the brain or spinal cord to the muscles. The cause of motor neurone disease is not known and there is no cure for the disease. The condition usually manifests after the age of 40, but most people become symptomatic in their 60s.
Effects of Motor Neurone Disease
Motor neurons control muscular activity throughout the body, such as:
- Speaking.
- Swallowing.
- Breathing.
- Walking.
- Gripping.
When motor neurons are damaged, as is the case in MND, the person develops muscle weakness. The symptoms progress gradually with time and may affect one side of the body at the start. The initial symptoms include slurred speech, weakened grip, a weakened shoulder that makes arm lifting difficult, foot drop due to weak ankle muscles, muscle twitching, and cramps. With the disease’s progression, the symptoms spread to other body parts, making the condition more debilitating. The sufferer will eventually find it difficult to move, communicate, walk, and breathe. At this point, these individuals need someone professional to support them to lead their life in a better way.
Home Care for Motor Neurone Disease
Young adults with MND can live independently, but as the disease progresses and symptoms worsen with age, they require intensive support and care. Home care for MND focuses on providing support to those who are suffering and to their family members. This type of care gives more confidence to the patients as they rely less on others for their needs. For every patient, the carers devise a support plan according to the severity of their symptoms. This type of care allows the sufferers to stay in their own homes and enjoy the activities they want to with as much independence as possible.
Live in Care Services for MND
Carers are trained to tailor the support plan and services according to the sufferer’s condition. They develop companionship and discuss every option essential to maintain the quality of life with the sufferer. The services provided in home care for MND are as follows:
- Providing support with personal care that is different for each sufferer.
- Helping with social interactions and activities.
- Helping in monitoring medications and other support regimens as the disease progresses.
- Helping in household chores like meal preparation and cleaning.
- Helping with bathing, toileting, and continence care if needed.
- Help the sufferer and their family members in understanding the complexities of the disease.
- Provides guidance about options like feeding and breathing tubes as the disease progresses.
To lead a life with MND is a great challenge, which is not possible without constant moral support. Home carers are professionally trained to support and provide the necessary care to these individuals at the right time when they need it. In this way, they can live a happy and more independent life.

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Hometouch has been one of the best companies I have worked for in the care sector! I have always been told I’m appreciated and been made to feel like it too. I’m so happy to be a part of the Hometouch team