If you feel like the time has come for you to hire some assistance whilst staying in the comfort of your own home, look no further. HomeTouch offers a wide range of care at home services, each unique to the client’s needs.

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All the different options can often be confusing which is why we have provided a comprehensive list explaining each type of care at home services. You can pick what is best suited for you and your needs from the option below.

24-hour care

This kind of care is ideal for anyone who wants to continue living in the comfort of their own home with the added security and assistance of a carer 24/7. If your condition forces you to have assistance during the night on bathroom visits or just in general 24-hour live-in care will make sure you have assistance to prevent you from falling or any other accidents. Additionally, it is a viable option for people who don’t have any family close by but still need assistance.

Moreover, 24 live-in-care means you don’t need to get up and move away from your own house, leave any personal belongings or pets behind. You won’t need to start over since you will still be in your old neighbourhood with your community.

24 hour live-in carers provide many services ranging from household maintenance to nursing care needed for medical conditions that need stoma bags and urinary catheters.

Live-in care

Live-in care is another great option, especially for people who not only need assistance for more than a few hours a day but can also benefit from the companionship of someone living with them. Live-in carers are well-trained and qualified professionals when you need their assistance but part of their job is to provide friendship and alleviate any feelings of loneliness. Other tasks of a live-in carer include helping in personal care-dressing, washing, toileting, household chores, cleaning, cooking, laundry, mobility assistance, helping sufferers of stroke, arthritis, and other degenerative diseases around and outside the house, administering medication and so much more.When hiring a live-in carer you must keep in mind that they have their own needs too. Live-In carers must be provided with their personal living space with a bed and bathroom. They must also be able to some time off, which brings us to our next option.

Home respite care

Respite care is ideal for when your usual carer has asked for some time off. This can result from a number of reasons, like an emergency at the carers home, the carer becoming ill, or even just some time off for themselves.

Respite Carers are perfect for this as they are available for a set amount of time. During this time they take over the duties of your usual carer. The cost of hiring a respite carer can be up to £1050/week.

Related topic  7 Benefits of Live in Home Care
Speak to one of our knowledgeable care advisers about Hometouch’s high quality live-in care service

Visiting care

Visiting care is a good option if you feel like you don’t need support at all times, especially during the night. Visiting carers will only drop by your house at an allotted time. These services can be used just for companionship or even personal care support, like any medical assistance, or household chores you are unable to perform yourself.

Unfortunately, nowadays asking a family member to visit your home once a day is too much of an ask. People have busy schedules and their own families to take care of. If you are ill or have difficulty in performing basic tasks you will need assistance every day. If you choose visiting care you can leave all the chores you are unable to perform yourself for the visiting carer to take care of. All in all just a few hours of support can make a big difference in your life too. Especially as it helps you avoid moving into a domiciliary care home.

Overnight Care

This option is suitable for people who suffer from night incontinence or have frequent trips to the toilet. It is even a good choice for people who are recovering from an illness or are just discharged from the hospital. This option makes it easier for such people to be discharged early and recover safely from the comforts of their own homes.

When waking up in the middle of the night one is often in a fragile state. It would be great to have someone to watch over you or even help you to and from the toilet. An overnight carer will provide the assistance and security you need. Additionally, these carers can often provide nursing care too. This is useful in cases of people who suffer from mental illnesses like dementia. They may need extra assistance during the vulnerable hours of the night.

End of life care

This care is defined as treatment for a terminal illness that extends to emotional support besides treatment of symptoms. End of life care is usually for people who are likely to pass on within the next twelve months. But it can even range from care for the last few hours to the last few years. The emotional support can be in the form of emotional support, pain relief or even just a friendly face to watch over you through this difficult time. This kind of care is also helpful for family members as an end-of-life carer will be available at all times to manage medication, minimise symptoms and support the whole family once a loved one passes away.

This might seem like a morbid topic but it is important to realise that death is not always imminent in these cases. Sometimes the right emotional support along with timely medication can extend the person’s life by months.

Related topic  5 tips to care for an elderly parent

Disability care

Disability care can be provided for a wide range of people. The disability does not only have to be acquired at birth but also through an accident or disease that has such sequelae. Disability carers ensure that such people can live their life fully and independently. Since all disabilities are different, Hometouch initiates this with a careful assessment performed by our care assessors to see exactly what kind of care the person may need. This is followed by the formulation of a disability care plan the carer can follow throughout their tenure.

Disability care is specially curated to take care of all the person’s medical and physical needs. But most importantly, they provide mental support to make them keep living fulfilling life. Our agency provides expert carers that live with the patient to ensure their safety by assisting with chores and personal care like bathing, dressing, and toileting. Additionally, they are available to prepare food, do grocery runs and even take the person out from time to time. Our carers provide excellent companionship during their stay.

Nursing care

This care is generally meant for those who are chronically ill, bed-ridden or need to deal with medical equipment daily. It is basically the provision of a registered nurse in the comfort of your own home at all times. Such type of care ensures safety and ease for all the people involved. Of course, such care is also provided at a nursing home or hospital but this option has the added advantage of staying in your own home.

Nurses are able to deal with:

  • Tracheostomies
  • Monitor ventilation
  • Complex continence issues
  • Stomas
  • Catheters
  • PEG feeding or tube feeding

The nurses our agency provide are trained and experienced individuals who can manage the medical issues and other challenges that may arise. You might find that the NHS also provides nursing care however the nurses provided by our service tend to provide a more friendly touch. They may even assist in light domestic assistance.

Dr Jamie WilsonFounder and Chief Medical Officer at Hometouch

Dr Jamie Wilson is hometouch’s founder and Chief Medical Officer. Jamie’s creation of hometouch was inspired by his work as a dementia psychiatrist in the NHS, and he has written about healthcare issues in The Times and the Evening Standard. Jamie has a MBBS from the University of Leeds and has spent a decade in the NHS, working as a Psychiatric Registrar and Memory Specialist at Imperial College Hospital.

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