There are over half a million people in the UK living in care homes with around half funding themselves and the other half receiving help from the local authority towards costs. With people living longer with each generation, these numbers are set to increase making it vital that anybody thinking about moving into a care home or thinking of moving a loved one into residential care, understands how much care home fees are going to cost. What is the average cost of residential care for the elderly? Nursing home costs vary across the UK and are different depending on where you live. This can sometimes make the cost of care home fees something of a postcode lottery. If you live in the South of England, for example, residential care in a nursing home can cost up to 40% more than in the North of the country. The average cost of…
Hometouch has been one of the best companies I have worked for in the care sector! I have always been told I’m appreciated and been made to feel like it too. I’m so happy to be a part of the Hometouch team